Linda Bell
Founder of Bellwood Health Services Inc
My father, Gordon Bell, OC., MD., LL.D. and I co-founded Bellwood Health Services in 1984, a public/private partnership with the Ministry of Health to expand addiction treatment services and operating Bellwood Hospital and Bellwood Health Centre. My father was a pioneer in addiction medicine and had also founded the first public hospital for addictions in Canada, The Donwood Institute in 1967.
As with many start-up organizations the staff at Bellwood wore many hats. Human Resources started small and was handled by our VP of Finance. She was relieved when Noreedah Dean joined the staff in 2007. Noreedah took over with a flourish and worked independently. She spearheaded a performance management system and a compensation review system that included salary and benefits for staff. She focused on diversity and moved the organization to employ 50% of marginalized people, including persons of colour and people with disabilities.
Bellwood was Accredited by the Canadian Counsil on Health Facilities accreditation for many years. We had to meet criteria for a both hospital and a mental health units. Noreedah’s HR, Health and Safety and Emergency Preparedness and Pandemic plans were excellent to the point that the reviewer wanted to implement them at his hospital.
Noreedah built staff morale, placed cupcakes on staff members desks for their birthday, increased their benefits, salaries and organized events and parties to recognize and celebrate the achievements of over 100 staff and over 100 volunteers. She was our Manager of Human Resources. She continues to maintain relationships with colleagues most of whom have moved on. The staff unionized five weeks after Noreedah’s departure under new owners and management.